
Minisymposium Proposal

  • Minisymposia will consist of 120 minute blocks containing four (4) talks per block.
  • Each talk will be 25 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions and transition.
  • Minisymposium proposals should consist of 4 to 16 speakers.
  • Minisymposium organizers will be contacted with details on how to schedule talks.
  • To ensure your proposal is considered, we advise submitting as soon as possible.

Step 1: Input
Step 2: Review
Step 3: Submit
Check the box if you would like your minisymposium to be considered for the Canadian Symposium on Fluid Dynamics (CSFD) program.
Summarize your minisymposium, targeting specialists in your topic and related fields. Outline the problem area to be addressed, its significance in relevant applications, current research directions, and methods being developed to solve problems, including their strengths and limitations. Define the scope of your minisymposium.
Organizer Details
Main organizer for minisymposium (all fields required)

List minisymposium coorganizers
Coorganizer #1

List minisymposium speakers (all fields required)
Speaker #1

Other information that will help the scientific committee evaluate your proposal (optional)
Designed by Cesar Aguilar